Adventure-Themed Baby Shower

I am beyond blessed to have so many family and friends back home who came to the baby shower my parents hosted. My mom even let me help with some of the planning, and I got to design some cute things for event including the invitations. Everything turned out wonderfully, and I was able to snap some photos of the bash. Sadly, I did a terrible job getting photos at the very end of set up, and when everyone was there. However, here are the few I took when we first started getting everything around.

Spring Baby Shower - Adventure Themed - Hayley Fiser
Spring Baby Shower - Adventure Themed - Hayley Fiser
Spring Baby Shower - Adventure Themed - Hayley Fiser
Spring Baby Shower - Adventure Themed - Hayley Fiser

My dad made the bird house in the background of the photo above for our center pieces and game prizes. On the back of each one he burned in "Baby Fiser 2018" so everyone who got one would remember where it came from. Such a cute idea!



Weeks 31-35 Bumpdate


Weeks 26-30 Bumpdate